Friday, September 08, 2006

Labor Day weekend - Newport, Oregon

We actually didn't get to Newport until Sunday. The weather was nice but the winds were cold. We went without our boats, just played with the kids in the pool at the hotel. Monday morning we went down to South Beach Marina to check out the boats. Here's some people getting ready to take a spin up to Toledo for lunch. They had a really neat boat that, of course, Craig was drooling over.

Here Nick and Dominic are admiring a local fisherman's catch of Albacore tuna. They were getting their limits on crab too!

Here the boys are rough housing on the bed while Sydney reads in the background at La Quinta in Newport. On the right Nick and Sydney are teaching Dominic to swim. He's had some swimming lessons but he sure improved in just the 2 days we were there. They kids did really well with him and he trusts them completely. We really had a good time, even without going on a boat!

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