Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Exploring the Columbia/Willamette Rivers around Portland, Oregon

So there we were, at McCuddy's Landing in Scappose, Oregon. Our boat finally in the slip and showers calling our names after a long day exploring the Columbia River, Willamette River, and Multnomath Channel, all around Portland, Oregon.

We had just finished eating at "Mark's on the Channel" and were ready for a quiet evening. Since Craig is faster at showering, he went first, while I cleaned up the boat, getting stuff out of the bed so we could sleep in it. As I was putting our computer bags under the table I thought I heard someone yelling.

Since we were in a marina with lots of slips and people milling around, making lots of strange noises, I didn't pay much attention at first. But for some reason it started sounding familiar. Like a flashback of a bad experience I had hoped to forget, the yelling brought chills to my spine. It couldn't be? Could it? I jumped up to look.....

"Chuckie, Chuckie, open up the gate. Chuckie, let me in. Chuckie, answer me!" Pause for silence, "CHUCKIE, ANSWER ME, I'M AFRAID YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A HEART ATTACK AND I'M SCARED. CHUCKIE, YOU ANSWER ME! I'M THINKING YOU MIGHT BE DEAD! CHUCKIE!!!"

OK, unless you've been reading this blog for a while that isn't going to make sense. (check out previous post "Fern Ridge Sailing Regatta and the Posers") Seems that wacky husband of mine was trying to get my attention, and of course, being the clown that he can be, did it in hilarious fashion. Craig had forgotten the code to the gate and was yelling and shaking the locked gate to the marina slips. I thought I was going to pee my pants laughing so hard. That joker!

Here are just a few of the houses along the Columbia River and Multnomath Channel. We hope to retire and live on a house like this someday. For now we can only dreammmmm.....

The picture on the left is showing how shallow it was going around Government Island. (That island is right across from the Portland Airport, which is why that plane looks like it's going to land on those cars). We actually got high-centered on our keel. Our depth finder was showing 2 1/2 to 3 feet and then it went blank. Startled us to say the least! Thankfully our MacGregor Motorsailor has a keel that can be pulled up. We kept it up most of the time since we only motored that weekend. We wanted to cover a lot of territory while exploring and that is the best way to get around fast. Also the currents were pretty wild and seemed to be going against the wind most of the time, which made for some pretty interesting boating!

We ended the weekend by going up the Multnomath Channel to St. Helens, Oregon. Here's the Courthouse Docks and as you can see the winds are whipping up the water. We were told it was one of their low wind days. We decided that wouldn't be one of the places we would like to settle down in.

We had a great weekend and are sure sad to see the summer coming to an end. As you can see not everyone has a great time on this river???

As we were waiting to get our boat out at the boat launch look what came motoring over. Craig yelled at me to get my camera since he knew what they were going to do. I had a hard time running to get my camera because I was so shocked it was heading straight for the launch. Thankfully I snapped out of it and got these pictures.

Next posting will be from Odell Lake, where we are camping with our friends Tom and Marti and some other people we haven't met yet. I can't wait!

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