Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer Boating Vacation 2006 - Yahoo!

First stop, Lorene's Cafe, in beautiful downtown Lebanon, Oregon. After years of taste testing we are convinced Lorene has the best breakfast in the world, especially the BATS omelet (bacon, avocado, tomato and Swiss cheese). OK, maybe it's not the best in the world but just the United States and China. We will keep tasting for something that can compete and keep you informed. :-)
After breakfast we headed south, hoping for hot weather (be careful what you hope for!).
Here's Craig checking the battery after going over the Siskyous in 100 degree weather. Thankfully all was ok, but just to be safe we drove without the air conditioner (unbelievable torture!).
The weather was so hot we decided we would drop in on Lake Shasta. We launched at Antlers Boat Ramp, which was a nightmare and we will never use it again. The place was a zoo and very difficult to launch our boat due to the jet skis and power boats zooming back and forth by the launch, causing huge wakes. There was a very nice lady working there who tried to keep things in order but she needed a bullhorn and stick to wallop some of the people along side their heads. Oh well, we won't be back there.
Here's one of many Relief Stations on the lake. They were kept pretty clean and they were very much appreciated on this very busy lake! As you will see in coming pictures, the State of California has a sense of humor when it comes to potty talk....or what they call Relief Stations. It sure was a relief to know people were using them!
Posted by Picasa Here's a deer that came down to watch us anchor our boat, in a cove on Shasta Lake. It was very friendly and posed for many pictures. It was kind of freaky because it wasn't afraid and kept getting closer to Craig as he was tying up our boat. About 15 minutes after this critter left, another came to visit. It was too dark to get a good picture, but not too dark for us to see the black bear that was drinking from the lake, about 15' from our boat. I tried to get a picture but it was too dark and the flash scared it off. I guarantee neither Craig nor I slept much that night!
Here's a great picture of us sailing on Shasta Lake. Yes, I said sailing. We traveled every arm of that lake and never saw another sailboat, so we thought it wasn't a good lake for sailing. Here we can prove that the sailing can be good, it's just awkward trying to dodge all the houseboats and jet skis. This picture was taken on the McCloud arm of Shasta Lake, with Holiday Harbor in the background.

As you may have guessed we are home now, and tonight will be our first night trying to sleep without bees, bats, bears, or boneheads trying to wake us or keep us awake. I have lots more to tell about our adventures and will share more with you all tomorrow night! Good night!

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