Saturday, May 13, 2006

Fern Ridge Lake, Boating, Lazy, and Loving It!

We got to the boat early this Friday, around 3pm, and only had to make a couple loads this time. On our way here we stopped at Safeway in Junction City to stock up on beer, steak and salad makings. We are simple folk and to us that's a dinner for royalty (and we really love our Magnum BBQ!) The winds were fairly mild and we were out on the lake before you could say "Aye Aye Captain!" Craig got the sails up and we did some tacking and jibing and split sailing, a term we've been using because we can't remember what it's really called. It's when you have your main sail sucking wind from one direction and the jib sucking wind from another. This was done with the wind at our backs, going straight down wind. Craig made me steer a few times, tacking and jibing and learning how to handle the boat in case he fell over-board and I needed to save him. Probably a great idea but I pray to God it never happens! It's our past experience that if one of us falls over-board the other goes with them. That's another story that happened at Green Peter Lake, by Sweet Home, Oregon. Maybe I'll share that one some time.
Anyway, Friday night after sailing up and down the lake we finally headed in to dock our boat. Craig got the BBQ fired up and we ate some scrumptious BBQ'd steaks with Caesar Salad, tomatoes, olives and an avocado. See the picture of our cool little dinner on the lake. Also, check out the roses from one of my fellow admins at work who was wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. Pretty cool HUH? It's the simple things in life that make it all worth while.
So after dinner we clean up (basically dumping the paper plates in the garbage) and headed to the restrooms for a shower and our jammies. Thankfully the ladies side had water pressure this time and was almost hot. I showered and shaved as fast as I could without cutting myself up and got back to the boat. The weather had been nice and sunny but the winds were still cold so I was bundled up in my jammies and sweats and fuzzy socks and had my blanket ready for the night's finale!
What could I possibly be planning on doing in that much clothes you ask? Watching movies. Remember, we are Hewlett Packard geeks and every night on our boat we have at least one movie. Just a tip, don't rent "The Sound of Thunder". It's a futuristic movie of time travel that reeked of B flick.
After about a half hour of that torture we put on "Rumor has it" with Jennifer Aniston. It was pretty cute and I would highly recommend it for adults who remember "The Graduate". It's rated PG-13 but unless you and your 13-year-old are having conversations about sex and the variety of partners one could or should have then I might wait to show it to them when they are say, 30 something.
Oh yeah, it was still so cold that we had our little candle going during the movie, trying to warm up.
The next morning we were up and ready for breakfast at a new restaurant in the area. We headed toward the town of Veneta, well, it does have a post office and some small stores. Anyway we found this really cute restaurant called "Our Daily Bread". I would highly recommend this place for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The building is an old church fixed up and the food was very good. Next time you head to the Eugene area or just want to take a Sunday drive, head to Veneta and check out this quaint place. You won't regret it!
So after a great breakfast we got back to the boat and headed out to do a little more sailing and motor boating and just hanging around. I actually took a nap while Craig played around with his boat. Pretty soon I had lured him into taking a nap while we just floated around, rocking with the waves from the wind and other boats. It's unbelievable how you can get used to all the noises that come with a sailboat. I call it Nautical White Noise and it lulls us every night. All good things must come to an end and so we headed back to dock the boat and get home in time to wash and iron and pack for Craig since he's leaving for China tomorrow morning. Since he'll be gone for 3 weeks at least I'm going to meet him for one of those weeks. Oregon Country Granny Geek in China.....This could be very scary.....
So I think I'll catch you all up with our past travels while Craig is out saving the world from evil computers that don't work like they should.....Later gators ......Jannie


Anonymous said...

Great Blog...
Hope you guys can get out to Coeur d'Alene or Pend Oreille this summer. Looks like a fun boat! Have fun in China.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jannie! Love your blog. I can hardly wait to start sailing season again next month on Fern Ridge. We'll have to start staying the night on our boat. You make it sound so romantic. I don't know how we'd hook up a TV though. :-(