Monday, April 10, 2006

The Beginning of Nautical Nonsense - Visiting the San Juan Islands, Washington

OK, so don't freak out and think this is just a romance blog. Yes, I'm going to talk about my soulmate, Craig, who has been a blessing to me for a little over 7 years now. But, this is really about our sailing experiences here on the west coast of the good ole USA.
OK, the truth is Craig is the sailor, I'm just the tag-along, country-bumpkin, hillbilly-hick wife, who thinks she has married her knight in shining armor....I mean Captain in shining Fiberglass. He's not just a Captain, he's also my IT support! Did I do good or what?
SO, just to get you all up to speed in the love-affair of the city boy and county girl and their sailing adventures here's how it all started............

CRAIG was divorced for about 2 months and feeling kinda resentful of women, pretty sure he'd never marry again and pretty sure all women were evil witches.
Jannie had been divorced for 5 years and wasted it all on the spawn of Satan, who was getting divorced when the time was right. (pretty sure now that the anti-Christ wannabe was feeding that line to many women).
Somehow (by the grace of God) Jannie got a job offer at a local global computer company (Hewlett Packard) as an administrative assistant to the division that Craig worked for.
March 9th she started her job, depressed and miserable and met the depressed and miserable divorced guy who a month later proposed marriage. (April 1st was their first date, an indicator I'm sure of the humor that would keep their marriage alive.) It was love at first site and neither one would have believed it if it hadn't actually happened to them. It still seems so hard to believe after 7 years they are still crazy in love, spending all day at the job together and all night sharing their home life (actually they work there too).
SO what does this have to do with Sailing?
WELL, Craig loves boats. And I mean all boats. If he were a rich man he would have one of every boat. No boat is a bad boat, no matter what it looks like or whether it floats, as long as it's a boat. We're talking pontoon boats, speed boats, fishing boats, row boats, boats in yards, boats half sunk, dinghy boats to yachats to freighters. (As you will see in coming blogs, even shipwrecked boats make him tremble with excitement and you would never believe his true dream boat!)
WHEN Craig met Jannie he had a little runabout boat, 16 feet of fun. It was a used boat that always ran and he spent the summer of his divorce healing in it. There were some pretty amazing adventures too, that summer, where the adrenalin rush from being chased by a bear along the Umpqua River sobered him up really fast to the death-defying jump over the boom of Green Peter Dam, which left him with a bloody lip and awe that his boat was still in one piece. (problem was how would he get back on the other side of the boom where the boats were supposed to be before daylight?...See Boom Jumping by Boat)
Because Craig could tell Jannie hadn't got to travel much while raising her daughters, and learning she loved water like he did, he wanted to take her somewhere special she had never been. When he asked her if she would like to go to the San Juan Islands for a weekend he had no idea how he was sealing their fate as sailing buddies for life.......


Anonymous said...

This is a terrific story to read!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to sign on until now. Actually I know you both.. this makes knowing you even better. Rock on... or should I say "sail on"